Not Losing a Pound? Here Are Three Reasons Why

not losing weight

More often than not, the instant knee-jerk reaction when a person realizes they aren’t losing any weight is to start looking for excuses. They’re willing to throw the book at everything they can muster up in their imaginations, while not giving a great deal of thought to whether or not it is in fact they themselves that are to blame…when chances are it really is.

So at the risk of pointing out the obvious and ruffling a few proverbial feathers, here’s a look at three of the most common reasons why Brits by the thousand fail to lose weight despite thinking they’re making all the right moves:

You’re Not Keeping Track

First up, it might feel like you’re being good if you say “Just one biscuit for me, I’m on a diet” but in reality these bits and pieces add up to more than you realise. It’s not until you keep a comprehensive food diary for a week or two that you realise just how much you’re putting in outside meal times of which the vast majority are snacks and drinks with no nutritional value. If you haven’t already done so therefore, the first and foremost piece of advice is to carefully track your diet for a while and prepare for a surprise.

You’re Not Drinking Enough

An old staple if ever there was one, if you don’t put enough water into your body then not a single process will work properly…not one. This counts double for weight loss as not only does your body need plenty of the stuff to keep things moving, but water is a natural appetite suppressant that’s guaranteed to see you eating smaller portions and less often. If in doubt, measure it out and again prepare for a surprise.

You’re Not Trying Hard Enough

And finally, sure you might have started taking the one flight of stairs to the office instead of the lift, but are you really doing enough to make a difference? Minor lifestyle changes can make a big difference in the long term, but if what you’re after is a big difference in the short term than you need to be making equally big changes. Are you taking regular walks? Going to the gym? Or are you just making a token gesture here and there? Log your weekly movements and see if it adds up to a whole heap of nothing.

By Lisa Morton Lisa

Morton turned her life around with the help of the very best personal trainer Hampstead has to offer. She now spends her free time blogging her tips and advice to the rest of the UK public looking to achieve similar goals.


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